When i heard the news of a black man and a woman running for the presidential campaign i was astounded and glad that they were trying to make a change even though a lot of people in the U.S would not like it. After they started running for president I started watching more politics than I ever did before. This also happened to many of my friends and it was good to see people engaged in something they never had liked before. It was sort of over whelming how strongly a lot of people felt about it, and how much people protested and things like that. I'm usually not the person to care much for voting or any type of political acts, but viewing this campaign made me want to get up and go vote (even though I wasn't old enough at the time :P).
It was defiently an election unlike any other. In hisotry it has always been a white man as president and even in the primarys. I really like the picture you added to your blog also. It really sympolsis his campaighn. All though right now I don't even remeber why he said hope. He didn't enter office in a bad time howere. Just think in a couple of years you will be able to vote for the president.