Sunday, February 28, 2010

Parents vs Wild

I don't believe that McCandless and Ruess went on their periless journey because of their troubles at home, but the issues that they had with their parents might of had a small affect on their thoughts but not a major factor. I personally enjoy my family a lot and i enjoy the wild, sometimes I would go camping in the wild with my family. So for many people, family problems don't normally make us want to go in the wild. More like into the city to get away from them. Chris didn't exaggerate his family issues as an excuse because he loved to travel before he found out about his father cheating.

1 comment:

  1. So if It had a small effect doesn't that mean it still had an effect. Your right he went into the wild for many reasons, and his parents could not stop him. The thing i find the wierdest is that he never told him his plans, he just left. That really says the character of McCandless. By camping in the wild with your parents do you mean with your nesecitese or just a 20 pound and some dreams?
